LITNET FEDI is a federated identity service for research and education institutions in Lithuania, which participate in LITNET programme and have a valid LITNET service agreement.

Benefits provided by LITNET FEDI to any participant institution:

  • secure and convenient way connect to e-services;
  • better access management;
  • better digital identity management;
  • more services for their users and vice versa;
  • higher quality services.

LITNET FEDI architecture provides possibility for better access management to services or resources because it is based on roles.

Better digital identity management is achieved through clear definition who is specifically responsible for identity management and updating user information.

LITNET FEDI can offer more services to users, and vice versa, more users can reach specific services.

A service, trying to become federated, has to not only conform to security and reliability requirements, but also has to be relevant to the federation community. This fact itself raises the quality of federated services.


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service support, development and promotion in Europe is provided through the GÉANT.

LITNET FEDI is edugain member

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